Side Panel A neat way to present side panels

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This specific layout structure you are trying to view is buggy on Internet Explorer,which may cause the container to stretch. This is a bug within flexbox and IE,unfortunately there is no direct solution. The workaround would be to contain the box with .d-blockand .position-absolutewith defined width .w-100and height .h-100. To see a working example of this,check out our Inbox page which uses the same layout structure with a bit of tweaking.

These side panels slide out on mobile view port and can be activated by a button as an "slide in/out" mode.
These buttons below can be placed anywhere on your screen. Applying the responsive utility classes,you control the visibility of the buttons,for only when they are needed.

These side panels slide out on mobile view port and can be activated by a button as an "slide in/out" mode. We use the classes .slide-on-mobileand .slide-on-mobile-{left,right}on the panels,which are then activated on mobile viewport by toggling the class .slide-on-mobile-{left,right}-show

The backdrop is inserted right after the closing tag of the .slider-on-mobilecontainer. Generally this slide panel is pared with .layout-composedto give it a nice clean look.

Try with Composed Layout
You can place any content in these side panels,making it a secondary optional navigation panel.