SmartPanels EXTENSIONPanels can be used in almost any situation,helping wrap everything in a slick &lightweight container
Important information
Turn your ordinary panels to SmartPanel. Smartpanels lets you add buttons dynamically to panel header using data attributes. All panels are Sortable across all bootstrap col-spans and uses localStorage
to store position,color,collapse state and various other panel settings. Use built in hooks to detect state change of panels and execute your script.
This plugin is exclusive and is built in house to compliment SmartAdmin WebApp. The current version of this plugin does not allow to generate dynamic widgets.
Options See all available options
Disable Features
This panel features are disabled by adding data attributes to
. To disable all,we add the following:data-panel-sortable
Refresh Panel
Refresh panels allows you to hook your own script to refresh ajax calls. You can also set the refresh timer by using the attribute
. You can disable refresh button by adding the attribute data-panel-refresh
Color Change
Change panel header colors using the built in color changer. The feature can be turned off by using the data attribute
. You can also add your own colors to the pallet setting the panelColors
optionReset Settings
You can reset any changes you make to a panel using the reset button. It will reset panel styles,collapse state,and any panel colors. You can disable the reset button by adding the data-attribute
Panel toolbar
You can place any visual elements to the content area,and have multiple
. Check out the general panelspage for more examples of what you can add to panel headers and panel footerCollapsable Panel
This panel is collapsable,and it is using the bootstrap's collapse function. You can disable the collapse button by using
Collapsed State
This panel was collapse on page load. To collapse a panel on page load, simply add the class
to your .panel-container
Fullscreen Panel
This panel was collapse on page load. To collapse a panel on page load, simply add the class
to your .panel-container
Usefull when viewing images, gallery, tables with large data and maps. There are much useful applications to this method. When a panel is on fullscreen, printing a page will only print the fullscreen panel content.
Close Panels
By deleting a panel you will remove the panel from the page and will need to connect the backend with the onevent handler to delete it from database. You can disable the delete button by adding the attribute
Locked Panels
Locked panels cannot be dragged, but you can change all other settings. All locked panels will display a red lock icon on the panel header, indicating that it is locked. You can disable the lock button by adding the attribute
Sortable Disabled
Similar to panel lock, the panel sortable uses data attribute to lock the position of the panel to the grid. This is hardcoded and users do not have control over unlocking it. To enable this feature, add the data attribute
Custom Button
Add custom buttons globally via the panel configuration options. You can add your own custom labels and functions. You can disable the custom button also through the use of attribute
Documentation SmartPanel information and how to use them
Usage Data Atributes
HTML5 data attributes | Example value(s) | Desctription |
data-panel-collapsed | falseor blank | Prevent a panel from having a toggle button (can only be used with the value 'false'). |
data-panel-fullscreen | falseor blank | Prevent a panel from having a fullscreen button (can only be used with the value 'false'). |
data-panel-close | falseor blank | Prevent a panel from having a delete button (can only be used with the value 'false'). |
data-panel-locked | falseor blank | Prevent a panel from having a lock button (can only be used with the value 'false'). |
data-panel-refresh | falseor blank | Prevent a panel from having a refresh button (can only be used with the value 'false'). |
data-refresh-timer | int | Set timer for refresh panel. See data-panel-refresh |
data-panel-reset | falseor blank | Prevent a panel from having a reset button (can only be used with the value 'false'). |
data-panel-color | falseor blank | Prevent a panel from having color selection option (can only be used with the value 'false'). |
data-panel-custombutton | falseor blank | Prevent a panel from having a custom button (can only be used with the value 'false'). |
data-panel-sortable | falseor blank | Restrict a panel's sorting feature (can only be used with the value 'false'). |
These HTML5 attributes are used as individual panel options. Main options can be changed in the panel plugin it self. Notice:data attributes can only have 1 boolan value or none! |
SmartPanel's HTML structure (this will change when the widget is intialized)
<div id="panel-id" class="panel"> <div class="panel-hdr"> <h2> Panel Title </h2> </div> <div class="panel-container show"> <div class="panel-content"> Content </div> </div></div>
Initialization Options
$('#js-page-content-demopanels').smartPanel({ localStorage: true, onChange: function () {}, onSave: function () {}, opacity: 1, deleteSettingsKey: '#deletesettingskey-options', settingsKeyLabel: 'Reset settings?', deletePositionKey: '#deletepositionkey-options', positionKeyLabel: 'Reset position?', sortable: true, buttonOrder: '%collapse% %fullscreen% %close%', buttonOrderDropdown: '%refresh% %locked% %color% %custom% %reset%', customButton: true, customButtonLabel: "Custom Button", onCustom: function () {}, closeButton: true, onClosepanel: function() { if (myapp_config.debugState) console.log($(this).closest(".panel").attr('id') + " onClosepanel") }, fullscreenButton: true, onFullscreen: function() { if (myapp_config.debugState) console.log($(this).closest(".panel").attr('id') + " onFullscreen") }, collapseButton: true, onCollapse: function() { if (myapp_config.debugState) console.log($(this).closest(".panel").attr('id') + " onCollapse") }, lockedButton: true, lockedButtonLabel: "Lock Position", onLocked: function() { if (myapp_config.debugState) console.log($(this).closest(".panel").attr('id') + " onLocked") }, refreshButton: true, refreshButtonLabel: "Refresh Content", onRefresh: function() { if (myapp_config.debugState) console.log($(this).closest(".panel").attr('id') + " onRefresh") }, colorButton: true, colorButtonLabel: "Panel Style", onColor: function() { if (myapp_config.debugState) console.log($(this).closest(".panel").attr('id') + " onColor") }, panelColors: ['bg-primary-700 bg-success-gradient', 'bg-primary-500 bg-info-gradient', 'bg-primary-600 bg-primary-gradient', 'bg-info-600 bg-primray-gradient', 'bg-info-600 bg-info-gradient', 'bg-info-700 bg-success-gradient', 'bg-success-900 bg-info-gradient', 'bg-success-700 bg-primary-gradient', 'bg-success-600 bg-success-gradient', 'bg-danger-900 bg-info-gradient', 'bg-fusion-400 bg-fusion-gradient', 'bg-faded'], resetButton: true, resetButtonLabel: "Reset Panel", onReset: function() { if (myapp_config.debugState) console.log( $(this).closest(".panel").attr('id') + " onReset callback" ) }});