Admin Dashboard HTML Template
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Tables Examples
Table in white box
You can put a table tag inside an .element-box class wrapper and add .table class to it to get something like this:
Customer Name Orders Location Status Order Total
John Mayers 12
Kelly Brans 45
Tim Howard 112
Joe Trulli 1,256
Fred Kolton 74
Table without wrapper
You can put a table tag inside an .element-box-tp class wrapper and add .table class to it to get something like this:
Customer Name Country Order Total Referral Status Actions
John Mayers $245 Organic
Mike Astone $154 Organic
Kira Knight $23 Adwords
Jessica Bloom $112 Organic
Gary Lineker $64 Organic
Showing records 1 - 5
Table Striped
You can add class .table-striped and .table to a table element to get striped table:
Customer Name Orders Location Status Order Total
John Mayers 12
Kelly Brans 45
Tim Howard 112
Joe Trulli 1,256
Fred Kolton 74
Bordered and Striped Table
You can add class .table-bordered, .table-striped and .table to a table element to get striped table:
Customer Name Orders Location Status Order Total
John Mayers 12
Kelly Brans 45
Tim Howard 112
Joe Trulli 1,256
Fred Kolton 74
Dark Colors
Menu Settings
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Demo Chat
John Mayers
Account Manager
Hi, how can I help you?
Mon 10:20am
Hi, my name is Mike, I will be happy to assist you
Hi, I tried ordering this product and it keeps showing me error code.
Support Agents
John Mayers
  • Last Login:Online Now
  • Tickets:12
  • Response Time:2 hours
Ben Gossman
  • Last Login:Offline
  • Tickets:9
  • Response Time:3 hours
Ken Sorrons
  • Last Login:Offline
  • Tickets:17
  • Response Time:1 hour
Side Tables
Table in white box
You can put a table tag inside an .element-box class wrapper and add .table class to it to get something like this:
Customer Status
John Mayers
Kelly Brans
Tim Howard
Joe Trulli
Fred Kolton