Switch Buttons

add the following line class="js-switch" data-color="#008cff"to your input element.

Large Sizes

You can add data-size="large"to your input element for different sizes.

Small Sizes

You can add data-size="small"to your input element for different sizes.

Secondary color

You can apply data-color="@color" data-secondary-color="@color"to your input element to both color.

Bootstrap Switch Buttons


Just add data-size="Size"attribute to the <input type="checkbox"...>. Size values:mini,small,normal,large.


Just add data-on-color="Color"& data-off-color="Color"to the <input type="checkbox"...>. Color values:primary,info,success,warning,danger,default.


Just add disabledor readonlyattribute to the <input type="checkbox"...>.

With Text

Just add data-on-text="Text"& data-off-text="Text"to the <input type="checkbox"...>.

With Long Text

Just add data-on-text="Long Text"& data-off-text="Long Text"to the <input type="checkbox"...>.

Label Text

Just add data-on-text="Text"or data-off-text="Text"to the <input type="checkbox"...>.


Just add data-on-text="HTML Text"& data-off-text="HTML Text"to the <input type="checkbox"...>.

Radio Buttons

Just add class radio-switchto the <input type="radio"...>. If you want to change the class name,you have to change jquery according to that.