FreshUI - Premium Web App and Admin Template

Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized — size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS. It's a font-based solution and features 370 awesome icons ready to be used in your user interface!


Just use the class of the icon you want in a <i> element and you are ready to go! You can use it inside any element like a button and it will inherit it's font size and color.

You can also use the classes .fa-2x .fa-3x .fa-4x .fa-5x for a bigger icon if you like so!

If you would like the icons to have the same width you can add the class .fa-fw

fa fa-power-off

fa fa-power-off fa-5x text-danger

Icon Code Generator

Web Application Icons

Currency Icons

Text Editor Icons

Directional Icons

Video Player Icons

Brand Icons

Medical Icons