Pagination is built with list HTML elements so screen readers can announce the number of available links. Use a wrapping <nav>element to identify it as a navigation section to screen readers and other assistive technologies.
Working With Icons
Looking to use an icon or symbol in place of text for some pagination links? Be sure to provide proper screen reader support with ariaattributes and the .sr-onlyutility.
Disabled And Active States with Link
While the .disabledclass uses pointer-events:noneto tryto disable the link functionality of <a>s,that CSS property is not yet standardized and doesn’t account for keyboard navigation. As such,you should always add tabindex="-1"on disabled links and use custom JavaScript to fully disable their functionality.
Disabled And Active States with Span
You can optionally swap out active or disabled anchors for <span>,or omit the anchor in the case of the prev/next arrows,to remove click functionality and prevent keyboard focus while retaining intended styles.
Larger Sizing
Fancy larger pagination? Add .pagination-lgfor additional sizes.
Small Sizing
Fancy smaller pagination? Add .pagination-smfor additional sizes.
Center Alignment
Fancy larger pagination? Add .pagination-lgfor additional sizes.
Right Alignment
Fancy smaller pagination? Add .pagination-smfor additional sizes.

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