Basic Inputs

eg.[email protected]

Find helper text here for given textbox.

[email protected]

Input Styles

To set rounded border to input box,use .roundclass and to set square border to input box,use .sqaureclass alongwith .form-controlclass.

Horizontal Input

To make label in center of form-control,use .col-form-labelclass with <label>element. This is default bootstrap class.

File Input

Floating Label Inputs

For Flating Label Inputs,need to use .form-label-groupclass & add attribute disabledfor disabled Floating Label Input.

Input with Icons

For Input Box with icon use .position-relativeclass with .form-groupand use class .has-icon-leftclass for icon on left side.

Left Icon
Right Icon

Control Sizing Option

For different sizes of Input,Use classes like .form-control-lg&.form-control-smfor Large,Small input box.


Input Validation States

You can indicate invalid and valid form fields with .is-invalidand .is-valid. Note that .invalid-feedbackis also supported with these classes.

This is valid state.
This is invalid state.

Input Validation States with Tooltips

Use .needs-validationwith <form>for Input Validation states with tooltip,.{valid/invalid}-feedbackclasses for .{valid/invalid}-tooltipclasses to display validation feedback in a styled tooltip.

Looks good!
Looks good!
Please provide a valid city.

How can we help? 😄

7:45 AM

Hey John,I am looking for the best admin template.

Could you please help me to find it out? 🤔

7:50 AM

Stack admin is the responsive bootstrap 4 admin template.

8:01 AM