Using Laravel,no worries we have that convered as well. We bundled Laravel Starter Kit with this template.
+40 more
Ready to use athentications with Firebase,social media lightning fast search and discovery experiences.
+70 more
Carefully crafted,clean,smart & easy theme navigation with collapsible option. lightning and discovery experiences.
+10 more
Easy & smart fuzzy search functionality which enables users to search quickly.
+9 more
Bookmarks allows users to select their favourite pages/apps and navigate quickly.!
+20 more
Frest comes with built-in light and dark layouts,select as per your preference.
+12 more
Unlimited color options allows you to set your application color as per your branding.
Lifetime updates with new demos and features is fast search and discovery experiences.
Get access to premium customer support from the actual people who have created.!
How can we help? 😄
Hey John,I am looking for the best admin template.
Could you please help me to find it out? 🤔
Stack admin is the responsive bootstrap 4 admin template.