Avoid Close Contact
Stay At Your Home
Clean Your Hands Often
Cover Coughs & Sneeses
Use Face Musk If You Sick
Clean And Disinfect
Symptoms Of Novel Coronavirus(COVID-19)
In some patients - particularly the elderly and others with other chronic health conditions these symptoms can develop into pneumonia,with chest tightness.
Runny Nose
shaking chills
throat pain
Meet Our Experts
Meet Specialist Of Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Stewart Underwood
Specialist Of Throat
Michelle Holloway
Specialist Of Throat
Anthony Singleton
Specialist Of Throat
Adrienne Jenkins
Specialist Of Throat
Ask Question
Some Question And Answer Of Coronavirus(Covid-19)
01. How does COVID-19 spread?
Data has shown that it spreads from person to person among those in close contact(within about 6 feet,or 2 meters). The virus spreads by respiratory droplets released when someone infected with the virus coughs,sneezes or talks.
02. What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
Data has shown that it spreads from person to person among those in close contact(within about 6 feet,or 2 meters). The virus spreads by respiratory droplets released when someone infected with the virus coughs,sneezes or talks.
03. Should I wear mask?
Data has shown that it spreads from person to person among those in close contact(within about 6 feet,or 2 meters). The virus spreads by respiratory droplets released when someone infected with the virus coughs,sneezes or talks.