
Dark Mode

Keyboard Shortcuts

EscClose Quick Bar

Alt + (1 ->6)Open Quick Bar Tab

Alt + QEnable Quick Bar Configure Mode

Default Table

Use .table-borderedin the table

#BuyerServiceProduct ID
1Chihoo HwangWordpress Template67384917
2Ajay SuryavanashBusiness Card789393819
3John DoeApp Customization137893137
4Alesdro GuittoDashboard Design235193138
5Manbir SahwnyTheme Development19938917
Highlighted Table Head

Use .thead-{state}in the table

#BuyerServiceProduct ID
1Chihoo HwangWordpress Template67384917
2Ajay SuryavanashBusiness Card789393819
3John DoeApp Customization137893137
4Alesdro GuittoDashboard Design235193138
5Manbir SahwnyTheme Development19938917
Striped Table

Use .table-stripedin the table

#BuyerServiceProduct ID
1Chihoo HwangWordpress Template67384917
2Ajay SuryavanashBusiness Card789393819
3John DoeApp Customization137893137
4Alesdro GuittoDashboard Design235193138
5Manbir SahwnyTheme Development19938917
Hoverable Table

Use .table-hoverin the table

#BuyerServiceProduct ID
1Chihoo HwangWordpress Template67384917
2Ajay SuryavanashBusiness Card789393819
3John DoeApp Customization137893137
4Alesdro GuittoDashboard Design235193138
5Manbir SahwnyTheme Development19938917
Table with Image
UserServiceProduct ID
peopleChihoo HwangWordpress Template67384917
peopleAjay SuryavanashBusiness Card789393819
peopleJohn DoeApp Customization137893137
peopleAlesdro GuittoDashboard Design235193138
peopleManbir SahwnyTheme Development19938917
Reponsive Table

Wrap tablein the .table-responsive

#BuyerServiceProduct ID
1Chihoo HwangWordpress Template67384917
2Ajay SuryavanashBusiness Card789393819
3John DoeApp Customization137893137
4Alesdro GuittoDashboard Design235193138
5Manbir SahwnyTheme Development19938917