Layout Boxed No Responsive
Boxed Layout with no responsive featuresJust by configuring our config.html, you can change whatever style you want. Also can do in html files just by adding specific class, all described in documentation.
// Specific Configuration for Simple Layouts$footer = 'footer-2'; // Navigation Footer Clean Style $header = 'header-4'; // Navigation Footer Clean Style$medium_nav_toggle = 0; // 1= visible, 0 = none$small_nav_toggle = 0; // 1= visible, 0 = none$navbar_right_config = 0; // no navbar right$layout = 'boxed-layout'; // 'full-layout', 'middle-layout', 'boxed-layout'$remove_navbar = 0; // Remove Navbar Toggle Button, 1 = show, 0 = hide$remove_header = 0; // Remove Header Toggle Button, 1 = show, 0 = hide$fullscreen = 0; // Full Screen Toggle Button, 1 = show, 0 = hide$boxedtofull = 1; // Boxed to Full Layout Toggle Button, 1 = show, 0 = hide $responsive = 0; // No Responsive