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Education is the process of facilitating learning.

Education is the process of acquiring the body of knowledge and skills that people are expected have in your society. A education develops a critical thought process in addition to learning .

It also encourages intellectual curiosity, which will lead to lifelong learning. about teaching, learning skills and knowledge. Education also means helping people to learn how to do things and encouraging them to think about what they learn.

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  • "Before Coursecity, I was working two minimum wage job. Now& new life & learned most of my programming skills databasehrough self-study and the material available on Coursecity.

    Stephanie Magion
    Manager at Doltef
  • "Before Coursecity, I was working two minimum wage job. Now& new life & learned most of my programming skills databasehrough self-study and the material available on Coursecity.

    Stephanie Magion
    Manager at Doltef
  • "Before Coursecity, I was working two minimum wage job. Now& new life & learned most of my programming skills databasehrough self-study and the material available on Coursecity.

    Stephanie Magion
    Manager at Doltef
  • "Before Coursecity, I was working two minimum wage job. Now& new life & learned most of my programming skills databasehrough self-study and the material available on Coursecity.

    Stephanie Magion
    Manager at Doltef
  • "Before Coursecity, I was working two minimum wage job. Now& new life & learned most of my programming skills databasehrough self-study and the material available on Coursecity.

    Stephanie Magion
    Manager at Doltef
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