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  • +31 541.754.3010
What We Do

Main Services

Our goal is to help our companies maintain or achieve best- in-class positions in their
respective industries and our team works.

Advanced Analytics

Foresee the pain & trouble that are makebound to ensue all the equaly well through shrinking.
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Change Management

Foresee the pain & trouble that are makebound to ensue all the equaly well through shrinking.
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Corporate Finance

Foresee the pain & trouble that are makebound to ensue all the equaly well through shrinking.
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Professtional &
Experienced Consultants


Completed Successfully


Years of
Experience in this Field

Know Who We Are

Professional Advicer

Our goal is to help our companies maintain or achieve best- in-class positions in their respective industries.

Consoul is a leading consulting and training firm in the area project man-agement, active in the marketplace since 1997. Our mission is to provide improvement in the level.

The area project man- agement, active the marketplace since our mission is to provide best consulting service to worldwide customer.

Alfred Patsy

Chief Financial Officer
Professional Team

Team Behind Our Success

Our goal is to help our companies maintain or achieve best- in-class positions in their
respective industries and our team works.

Andrea Wilson

CEO & Founder

Mitchel Sweedon

Senior Consultant

Dowency Melisa

Financial Head

Lara Barney


Our business is
taking care of your business.

Pricing List

Affortable Pricing Plans

Our goal is to help our companies maintain or achieve best- in-class positions in their
respective industries and our team works.


*Specially planned for small business
Per Month
  • Corporate Finance
  • Customer Marketing
  • Information Technology
  • Private Equity
Choose Plan


*Specially planned for small business
Per Month
  • Corporate Finance
  • Customer Marketing
  • Information Technology
  • Private Equity
Choose Plan

What Client Saying

Our goal is to help our companies maintain or achieve best- in-class positions in their
respective industries and our team works.
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Our goal is to help our companies maintain or achieve best- in-class positions in their
respective industries and our team works.

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