Three years after the events of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, Nathan Drake, now retired as a fortune hunter, has settled into a normal life with his wife Elena Fisher. His world is then turned upside down when his older brother Sam, long believed to be dead, suddenly reappears seeking Drake's help.
Where does Thor: Ragnarok rank amongst the other Thor movies? Amongst the rest of the MCU? Let us know in the comments below and tell us which other movies you'd like to see us make Honest.
View all 164 repliesThe floss, fresh, flapper, ride the pony were all in sync if you ask me plus if they used the original music they would be copyrighted. Plus the original music made it worst for these dances.
View all 7 repliesWell Epic Games would have gotten Copyrighted if they used the original music but yea I see you
View all 21 repliesbruh okay the original fresh music is the best hands down, it looks classy. the music they put on the fresh in fort nite makes it worse
View all 3 replies