Astrid is a textile producer specializing in double width fabrics of fantastic quality.
We are proud to welcome you to our new Global International Sewing Machines ebsite.We have decided to categorize our machine models into various industries
Mix and match between all fabrics in our fabric collection
Our mission is to be there for you and your order at all times. That’s the only way to ensure that our pumping and production systems can operate without downtime. With us, you’ll never face expensive contractual penalties
Environmental Hazards Testing for Textiles
Get Invitation
Subscribe and get notified when we launch our platform. You will have member only exclusive access to top notched USA manufactures while our trial phase. Get the trial access for free now.
Fashion is first and foremost a creative space
Style must go hand in hand with Organic because creation must be synonymous with beauty but also with the preservation of natural resources animal welfare and contributing to the happiness of men and women.
Consumers prefer products that pose no threat either to themselves or the environment
Fabric Product
Our digital Fabrics
This trend has been extended to textile and apparel products.Products involved are those having potential for direct and prolonged skin or oral contact
"Compared to other design software, Acto has a more intuitive and stable environment. uality and performance of their products with precision, resulting in increased speed to market."
Tamim Anj
Febric Indusrtries CTO
"Compared to other design software, Acto has a more intuitive and stable environment. uality and performance of their products with precision, resulting in increased speed to market."
Tamim Anj
Febric Indusrtries CTO
"Compared to other design software, Acto has a more intuitive and stable environment. uality and performance of their products with precision, resulting in increased speed to market."
Tamim Anj
Febric Indusrtries CTO
"Compared to other design software, Acto has a more intuitive and stable environment. uality and performance of their products with precision, resulting in increased speed to market."
Textiles & Apparel
We love linen fabrics and continuously expand our range of products
We are proud to welcome you to our new Global International Sewing Machines ebsite.We have decided to categorize our machine models into various industries
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