Invoice #2365546


Company Name
47 Holmes Green, Sophiebury, WP9M 3ZZ
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91 5264 251 325


Company Name
58 Jamie Ways, North Faye, Q5 5ZP
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91 5264 521 943


Invoice ID: #2365546
March 25, 2018
VAT: PL6541215450
#ItemDescriptionQuantityUnit CostTotal
1Platinum Support1 year subcription 24/71$3.999,00$3.999,00
2Custom ServicesInstalation and Customization (cost per hour)10$250,00$250,000
3Origin LicenseExtended License1$799,00$799,00
4Hosting1 year subcription1$599,00$599,00
  • Subtotal $7.897,00
  • Vat(10%) $789,70
  • Total $8.686,70
Procced to Payment