Generating Sales Report60%
Importing Contacts98%
Uploading something big33%
Provide contextual feedback messages for typical user actions with the handful of available and flexible alert messages.
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Well done!You are using a awesome template! Say Hi to Porto Admin.
Well done!You are using a awesome template! Say Hi to Porto Admin.
Need any help?!We are glad to help you, if you need.
We must tell you!This template is made with love by the okler team.
Oh snap!Are you using other template? Buy Porto Admin nowand make your customers a lot happier.
Well done!You are using a awesome template! Say Hi to Porto Admin.
We are extermely happy to announce our first admin. We dedicated a lot of effort to bring you tons of features, easily customization for an accessible price! Do you still have any doubts that this is the best choice?
Easily show tooltips with a few html attributes.
Add small overlays of content, like those on the iPad, to any element for housing secondary information.