From the brief account just given of the four dominant personalities in Florentine painting it results that the leanings of the school during this interval were not artistic alone
Giotto’s paintings on the contrary have not only as much power of appealing to the tactile imagination as is possessed by the objects represented human figures in particular
Masaccio was naturalistic, and that consequently the impact given to the younger painters who during this period were starting, was mainly toward naturalism. Later, in studying Botticelli
From the brief account just given of the four dominant personalities in Florentine painting it results that the leanings of the school during this interval were not artistic alone
The extent however that took sides and were conscious of a distinct purpose these also sided with Uccello and not with Filippo. It may be agreed therefore, the main current of Florentine
Masaccio was naturalistic, and that consequently the impact given to the younger painters who during this period were starting, was mainly toward naturalism. Later, in studying Botticelli
Reader observe stimulate our value
To confine ourselves as closely
Subordinate importance there were
Giotto had attempted none of
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui