Notifications are important on project.
We coded special alertboxes for you as named Kode Alerts.
- Special Notifications
- 11 Color Options
- 6 Different Layouts
- Screen Position Support
- Sweet Alerts
Sweet Alert
Beautiful Replacement for Javascript's "Alert". SweetAlert automatically centers itself on the page and looks great no matter if you're using a desktop computer, mobile or tablet. It's even highly customizeable, as you can see below!
KodeAlert and Notifications
We coded awesome alert for who buy kode.
× You have a mail.
× This is another kode-alert.
× Woahhh. This is going to be real.
× Get a drink. This is important message.
× Warning Message. You know what i mean.
× Danger fellas. We are under attack !
× Fabulous everytime !
× It's so fluffy...
× Pinky pinky pinky !
× File sent to John Doe !
× I like trains
With Icon
Click to Close
With Image
×John Doetype a message for you.
Screen Position
Kode Alert also support screen position. It's easy to use.
Top Left
Hello Again
Yes this is the top left alert.Top Right
You have a Message!
John Doesent you a message.Bottom Left
Bottom Right