Magnific Popup | BOOKRA
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Magnific Popup

This is sub heading text to describe the page functionality

Single image lightbox

Three simple popups with different scaling settings.
1 — fits horizontally and vertically,
2 — only horizontally,
3 — no gaps, zoom animation, close icon in top-right corner.

Lightbox gallery

You may put any HTML content in each gallery item and mix content types. In this example lazy-loading of images is enabled for the next image based on move direction. If you wish to add touch-swipe support, check my article on the Smashing Magazine, or new PhotoSwipe script.


Popup with video or map

In this example lightboxes are automatically disabled on small screen size and default behavior of link is triggered.

Dialog with CSS animation

Animations are added with simple CSS transitions, you can make them however you wish.

Open with fade-zoom animation Open with fade-slide animation

Dialog example

This is dummy copy. It is not meant to be read. It has been placed here solely to demonstrate the look and feel of finished, typeset text. Only for show. He who searches for meaning here will be sorely disappointed.

Ajax popup

You have full control of what is displayed in popup, align it to any side via CSS, enable or disable scroll on right side of window - whatever.