Form - Elements

Simple Elemets

e.g. "Mona Lisa Portrait"
e.g. "Mona Lisa Portrait"
e.g. "[email protected]"
e.g. "[email protected]"
e.g. "[email protected]"

Form Options

Control Sizes

Basic buttons are traditional buttons with borders and background. Use any of the available button classes to quickly create a styled button. Compatible for bootstrap version 2 and 3.

Form Options

Form Controls

Adding on top of existing browser controls, Bootstrap includes other useful form components. Add text or buttons before or after any text-based input. Do note that select elements are not supported here.

Checkbox Controls

Color Options

Our very own image-less pure CSS and retina compatible check box. These check boxes are customized and aviable in all boostrap color classes

Shape Options

Bored with traditional boxed shape check boxes? Here is a circle one simply add the class .checkbox-circleto change it

State Options

These act the same way as normal HTML check boxes. Here are some states that

Toggle Controls

Color Options

Pure CSS radio button with a cool animation. These are available in all primary colors in bootstrap

State Options

Use of different color opacity helps to destigues between different states such as disable

Slide Toggle

A cool iOS7 slide toggle. These are cutomize for all boostrap colors

Dropdown Controls

Simple dropdowns

These are highly customizable dropdowns that come with search option for use to search

Dropdown Controls

Remote data

Load options via ajax to the dropdown control

Dropdown Controls

Multi Select

Fancy multiselect option box. Customized for the anypreference

Date Controls

Simple DatePicker

Date picker is powered by boostrap date picker, this is customized in way that it suites our theme and design, Have a look!


Here is an attached calender in case you want to see how it looks like, this is only used for a demo purpose

Advance Settings

Some advance setting that you can do with this calender, like to start from years an disable sections of dates

Time Controls

Simple Time Picker

This is a time picker controller that can be customized for both 24hour and 12 hour clocks

Color Controls

Color Picker

Hardly used but we included it too, You can pick a color and return it to any element you want

Change background color

Input Helpers

Input Masks

These assure the user will never enter invalid phone no, email or anything that has a pattern even without validations

e.g. "25/12/2013"
e.g. "(324) 234-3243"
e.g. "23-4324324"
e.g. "432-43-2432"

Input autonumeric

Do you forget small things? here is something that helps to automatically placed forgotten dollar signs, decimal places and even comma separates and many more!

e.g. "53,000.00"
e.g. "45.000,00"
e.g. "$45.50"
e.g. "0 - 9,999"


Simple Editor

Simple, elegant WYSIYG editor that acts as a word editor all necessary actions that is required to type simple content with style is available in this editor. Its powererd by HTML5 WYSIYG editor which will work even on any mobile device. Simply place it any textarea

Tags Input

Tag Input

Do you use tags to organize content on your site? This plugin will turn your boring tag list into a magical input that turns each tag into a style-able object with its own delete link.

Drag n Drop Uploader

Jane Smith
Hello you there?
David Nester
Busy, Do not disturb
more friends
Jane Smith
Hello you there?
David Nester
Busy, Do not disturb
Jane Smith
Hello you there?
David Nester
Busy, Do not disturb