Bird (v1) - Responsive admin dashboard theme by Followtechnique

Extra large table

Basic table with .table-xlg class.
# First Name Last Name Username
1 Jane Elliott #jane
2 Florence Douglas #florence
3 Eugine Turner #eugine
4 Ann Porter #ann

Large table

Basic table with .table-lg class.
# First Name Last Name Username
1 Jane Elliott #jane
2 Florence Douglas #florence
3 Eugine Turner #eugine
4 Ann Porter #ann

Small table

Basic table with .table-sm class.
# First Name Last Name Username
1 Jane Elliott #jane
2 Florence Douglas #florence
3 Eugine Turner #eugine
4 Ann Porter #ann

Small table (Condensed)

Basic table with .table-condensed class.
# First Name Last Name Username
1 Jane Elliott #jane
2 Florence Douglas #florence
3 Eugine Turner #eugine
4 Ann Porter #ann

Extra small table

Basic table with .table-xxs class.
# First Name Last Name Username
1 Jane Elliott #jane
2 Florence Douglas #florence
3 Eugine Turner #eugine
4 Ann Porter #ann

Columns grid sizing

Basic table with percentage based width for all columns, based on 12 column bootstrap grid system. Using class .col-*-*, where first option is screen size (eg. lg, md, sm, xs) and the second option is grid size (eg. 1-12). Add .col-*-* class to any <td> element.
# First Name Last Name Username
1 Jane Elliott #jane
2 Florence Douglas #florence
3 Eugine Turner #eugine
4 Ann Porter #ann