todo is a fully responsive web app / admin dashboard template.
- Built with Bootstrap 3.0
- Flat ui with clean style
- Many components
- Mobile widgets
- Fully responsive
- Web app layouts
- Html5 Markup & CSS3
- 2 runable applications
CSS Extensible classes
For the bootstrap css and components, please check the Bootstrap 3.0
Use FontAwesome font icons, over 361 icons with version 3.2 and more will be added in the future, check FontAwesomefor more details to see how to use and examples
animate.cssis a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and general just-add-water-awesomeness. do not use animate css to an element which contains the dropdown-menu, it will cut the edge.
animate.css on landing page: you can add animate css on the dom element when it appear in the viewpoint. <div data-ride="animated" data-animation="fadeInUp" data-delay="250"></div>
Colors use less file to build your colors
8 default color palettes, build colorful widgets. you can open the less/app.variables.less to config your own colors(@brand-primary: #594f8d;@brand-success: #92cf5c;@brand-warning: #fcc44d;@brand-danger: #fb6b5b;@brand-info: #5dcff3;
@brand-black: #2c3039;@brand-dark: #4c5566;@brand-light: #ebeef5;
), also you can use the mixin wariant. use .color-variant
and .font-variant
to build the color scheme, check more details in the less/app.colors.less.
use .vbox(vertical box) and .hbox(horizontal box) to build the web application layout. you can build the complicated layout as you want.
hbox is a horizontal wrapper that you can put columns in it. you can put <aside>
and <section>
in it.
you can use .aside, .aside-sm, .aside-md, .aside-lg
to set the width of an aside wrapper. also you can use the Bootstrap grid system, like .col-6, .col-7
.stretch box has the 100% height. <section class="hbox stretch"></section>
vbox is a vertical wrapper that you can put the row in it.
.w-f means this vbox have a footer
.flex vbox let you put a flex height of the header/footer.
<section class="vbox flex"> </section>
box layout
you can use the .layout-box on the html tag to build the layout box <html class="layout-box"></html>
Off screen nav
Support three nav styles on mobile, "Pull down", "push left", "push right"
Pull down
use data-toggle="class:show" data-target=".nav-primary"
to trigger the nav pull down in the header
off screen push left
use data-toggle="class:nav-off-screen" data-target="#nav"
to trigger the off screen nav
use data-toggle="class:nav-off-screen" data-target="#nav"
to toggle back in the body
off screen push right
use data-toggle="class:nav-off-screen push-right" data-target="body"
Components Lightweight components to best practice on mobile
Toggle class
It's easy to change a dom class by click on another dom element.
Add data-toggle="class:className"
and data-target="#target"
to a link or button to toggle a class.
Shift js let you change the dom which have different position from mobile to desktop, it avoid to use duplicate elements.
Add data-toggle="shift:insertBefore"
and data-target="#target"
to the dom that you want to shift.
Put me before "Usage" on mobile
it also support data-toggle="shift:appendTo"
, data-toggle="shift:prependTo"
, data-toggle="shift:insertAfter"
Button state
Change the button state when click on it. add .text
With icons
Use combodate for date picker, it's light and mobile friendly. check on Combodatefor more details.
Add .combodate
class to the input and use data-format="DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm"
data-template="D MMM YYYY - HH : mm"
to format the display
<input type="text" class="combodate" data-format="DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm" data-template="D MMM YYYY - HH : mm" name="datetime" value="21-12-2012 20:30">
File input
Check the file input plugin on File inputfor more details.
Check more details on Sparkline.
add .sparkline
to trigger the sparkline.
Basic bar
Basic line
Composite with x-axis
- 12:00
am - 2:00
- 4:00
- 6:00
- 8:00
- 10:00
- 12:00
pm - 2:00
- 4:00
- 6:00
- 8:00
- 10:00
<div class="sparkline" data-type="line" data-resize="true" data-height="185" data-width="100%" data-line-width="1" data-line-color="#afcf6f" data-spot-color="#afcf6f" data-fill-color="rgba(240,240,240,0.5)" data-highlight-line-color="#e1e5e9" data-spot-radius="4" data-data="[120,250,200,325,400,380,250,320,345,250,250,250,200,325,300,365,250,210,200,180,150,160,250,250,250,200,300,310,330,250,320,205]" data-composite-config='{"lineColor":"#dddddd","fillColor":"#ffffff","spotColor":"#dddddd","spotRadius":"4"}' data-composite-data="[325,220,250,200,350,380,250,320,345,250,250,250,200,325,300,365,250,210,200,180,150,160,250,250,250,200,300,310,330,250,320,205]"> </div> <ul class="list-inline text-muted axis"> <li>12:00
am</li> <li>2:00</li> </ul>
Easy Pie Chart
Check more details on Easy Pie Chart. use excanvas.js for IE8 rendering. if your app do not need support IE8, you can remove it.
add .easypiechart
class and use data attribute to config data-percent="75"
, data-size="120"
, data-bar-color="75"
, data-line-width="5"
, data-track-color="#eee"
75% new visits
Check more details on Bootstrap Datepicker.
add .datepicker
class on input.
Check more details on Slider.
add .slider
class on input.
<input class="slider" type="text" value="" data-slider-min="-20" data-slider-max="20" data-slider-step="1" data-slider-value="-14" data-slider-selection="after">
Dropdown select
Support radio and checkbox dropdown select
add .dropdown-menu
class on dropdown-menu.
Check more details on Fuelux.
enhanced the pillbox.
Check more details on Fullcalendar.
Use pillbox to create an event and drag on to the calendar. it also use jquery touch-punch to support on touchable screen.
Check more details on Datatables.
Check more details on Sortable.
Check more details on Morris.
Check more details on Parsley.
Check more details on Select2.
Applications built with Backbone
Notes is web application with CRUD(create, read, update, delete) and Search function. it built with Backbone and underscore, also used moment.js for time display. it use backbone localStorage for data model. but also you can replace with the RESTful api.
Tasks app let you create your own task and give the comments.
Chrome app
For more how to build chrome app, please check here
Cross browser compatibility
Use response.js to support IE8 media queries and html5.js to support html5 markups.